Employee Schedule

Employee work schedule for 10 stores with unlimited employees for each store. Try it now.

Create and print out your employee work schedule for a week or more.

Easy employee work scheduling for restaurant, food service, retail, health care, office, etc.

Arrange your employees in any order. For example list the full time employee on top.

Improve communication with your employees, by printing a schedule, or emailing schedules.

Once you have your first week schedule done it is easy to make more schedules. Archive the current schedule. Then just change the current week date and edit.

Monitor work hours for employee totals for each week.

HR, supervisors, and managers would have help making employee work schedules.

Archive schedules. You can update an archived schedule if any changes occur. This provides you with accurate reports.

Get each employee totals from any archived schedules for any date range for selected stores.

Get employee reports from any archived schedules for any date range with totals for selected stores.

Copy any employee schedule record. Easy to add more employees, just edit the new record.

Perpetual license no monthly or annual fees or fee on number of employees.

Operating system required: Window 7,8,10 . Minimum display resolution 1366x767.

Find out how this software can help you, and try out this software for 30 days free. After your trial, purchase software for only $29.99.

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